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Building trust: the power of constructive journalism

Audiences are tired of sensationalism and negativity in the news, but the media can change course to better serve our democracies. Ulrik Haagerup, founder of the Constructive Institute and a former editor-in-chief of Danish public broadcasting, champions this approach. Internationally known as a writer and speaker, Haagerup highlights the key role of journalists in building trust and promoting positive change. Constructive journalism goes beyond the “if it bleeds, it leads” culture, focusing on solutions, nuance, and democratic conversation to inspire, inform, and engage, providing a balanced and fair reporting framework.

Locatie:  Hertz
Tijd(en): 16:30 - 17:15
Spreker(s): Ulrik Haagerup
Taal: ENG
Soort: Keynote
Thema: Audience development
  • Ulrik is the founder and owner of Constructive Institute. He is a former editor-in-chief of Danish public broadcasting, is internationally known as a writer and speaker on constructive journalism and is considered one of its founding fathers.

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10 september 2024
Op 10 september viert Mediahuis de journalistiek! Kom samen met ruim 250 collega-journalisten in het Utrechtse muziekgebouw TivoliVredenburg.
Festival van de Journalistiek | mhlive@mediahuisnoord.nl | Alle rechten voorbehouden.