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No trust without transparency - newsrooms must learn to open up to their audiences

How can you as editors and as individual journalists ensure that readers and listeners trust you? And can that ambition be combined with new journalistic (online) forms, with stories and presentations that are also meant to engage readers, and with an outside world that is often very distrustful? In this workshop, Sally Lehrman, award-winning journalist and founder of the Trust Project, gives practical tools to reporters, editors-in-chief and executives and shows that transparency and trust go hand in hand.

Locatie:  Pandorazaal
Tijd(en): 11:00 - 12:30
Spreker(s): Sally Lehrman
Taal: ENG
Soort: Interactive session
Thema: Future Newsrooms
  • Sally Lehrman is a well-known American journalist who ten years ago started the Trust Project, an international initiative to strengthen public trust in news through accountability and transparency. The consortium, which now includes hundreds of news organizations, created a set of digital standards called "trust indicators" that help audiences and news distribution platforms identify trustworthy news sites.

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9 september 2025
Op 9 september viert Mediahuis de journalistiek! Kom samen met ruim 250 collega-journalisten in het Utrechtse muziekgebouw TivoliVredenburg.
Festival van de Journalistiek | mhlive@mediahuisnoord.nl | Alle rechten voorbehouden.